Wednesday, November 03, 2004

So amid my fatigue I am thinking this through and grappling with tremendous fluctuations of how to cope with the election results, and some major points about what happened last night are hitting close to home and exposing some revelations:


1) During the recent campaign, we watched our commander in chief allow the reputation of a decorated war hero be slandered on the grounds that he had held independent talks with the North Vietnamese, admitted to and accused his brothers in arms of atrocities and war crimes and, along with Jane Fonda, given aid and comfort to the enemy.....

2) Bush swept the Old South/Confederacy/NASCAR/whatever you want to call it demographic by huge proportions

......are we also to mistrust the traitor to his brothers in arms who is alleged not only to have given aid and comfort to the enemy of the day but who went on to command their army (and came one British Royal nod of the head from destroying the USA - eat your heart out, Bin Laden!) - a man who is (with Dale Earnhardt, George Wallace and Lester Maddox) in the eternal pantheon of conservative southerners:

"...The duty of its citizens, then, appears to me too plain to admit of doubt. All should unite in honest efforts to obliterate the effects of the war and to restore the blessing of peace. They should remain, if possible, in the country; promote harmony and good feeling, qualify themselves to vote and elect to the State and general legislatures wise and patriotic men, who will devote their abilities to the interests of the country and the healing of all dissensions. I have invariably recommended this course since the cessation of hostilities, and have endeavoured to practise it myself...."

Robert E. Lee, letter to Governor Letcher"Recollections And Letters Of General Robert E. Lee"

...or do we ignore the advice of such a scoundrel and embrace our anger and outrage at the summoning of the worst elements of our polity - fear, ignorance, greed, suspicion, laziness, arrogance?
Of course, attempts to draw parallels and derive findings based on facts and historical occurrences have recently become such a quaint notion.

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